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The CMOP-E includes three main components: person, environment, and occupation. In this model, the inner part represents “Person”, and its center is the spirituality of a person. The other components surrounding a person’s spirituality are affective, physical, and cognitive abilities. The CMOP is an interactive model showing relationships between person, environment, and occupation (See Figure 1, part A) (Townsend & Polatajko, 2007, p. 23).
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Supporting assessment and Identifying patient needs. Well done group Published with reusable license by Marcus Lennartsson. April 10, 2019. Outline. 18 frames.
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Spirituality. Physical, institutional, cultural, social.
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affective (feeling) eg. CMOP-E. Canadian model of occupational performance and engagement. COT The person who has affective, cognitive and physical components. E-post: Anne-Lene tive) og affektive (affective) funksjo- ner, med det Gjennom utviklingen av CMOP-E ble behovet for
22 Oct 2018 CMOP-E suggests that interactions between factors relating to the social, cultural, and institutional), the person (i.e., physical, affective, social,
and Engagement (CMOP-E) framework to explore the factors that enable the use of evidence in physical, cognitive, and affective performance components.
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Spirituality: . Wife, Grandma, Mother. Values her role as a friend, wants to be able to go see friends and engage in social activities.
In the CMOP, the person, represented as a triangle, has three components – cognitive, physical and affective, with spirituality at the core (Townsend & Polatajko, 2007). The CMOP is an interactive model showing relationships between person, environment, and occupation (See Figure 1, part A) (Townsend & Polatajko, 2007, p.
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1.2 About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators The CMOP-E1: Specifying our domain of concern (Used with permission from CAOT Publications ACE) A.1 Referred to as CMOP in Enabling Occupation in previous editions (1997 and 2002) and CMOP-E as of the 2007 edition (Polatajko et al., 2007) B. Trans-sectional view Components of CMOP-E Person Occupation Environment Person Made up of three performance components: 1. CMOP-E – Canadian Model of Occupational Performance and Engagement. This model describes the relationship and influences between these elements (Spirituality, Person, Occupation and Environment) which enables occupational performance.
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bingo card with COPM, Productivity, 2007, Leisure, Physical, Person Domain, Affective, Occupation Domain, Performance and engagement and 1 Apr 2019 In addition, the CMOP-E suggests that physical, cognitive, and affective components of the person have the potential to contribute to the 29 Dec 2017 The Emergence Of CMOP-E… Introduced in 1997 by the Canadian Person Three performance components: cognitive, affective, and physical 16 Jan 2020 of Occupational Performance and Engagement (CMOP-E) can be used to encompass the OT essence of Ability Surf. affective (feeling) eg.