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Translations. English: hy·per·ne·phro·ma n. hipernefroma, tumor de Grawitz, neoplasma del parénquima renal. hypernephroma A malignant kidney tumour that often remains clinically silent until a late stage. Treatment is by surgical removal of the affected kidney. The term arises from a mistaken belief that the tumour arose from tissue of the adrenal gland situated above (hyper) the kidney.

Hypernephroma pronunciation

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introduced the term Renal Celled Carcinoma to emphasize a renal tubular origin for these tumours . Learn how to say Hyphema with EmmaSaying free pronunciation tutorials. Definition and meaning can be found here: Medical definition of hypernephromas: a tumor of the kidney resembling the adrenal cortex in its histological structure. Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary. Jump to navigation Jump to search.

Define hypernephroma. hypernephroma synonyms, hypernephroma pronunciation, hypernephroma translation, English dictionary definition of hypernephroma.

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Add a note to the entry "hypernatreeminen". Write a usage hint or an example and help to improve our dictionary. Hyperopia Definition Hyperopia (farsightedness) is the condition of the eye where incoming rays of light reach the retina before they converge into a focused image.

Hypernephroma pronunciation

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Translations. English: hy·per·ne·phro·ma n. hipernefroma, tumor de Grawitz, neoplasma del parénquima renal. Treatment for hypernephroma is surgical. Hypernephroma of the kidney, known as Grawitz’ tumor or renal cell cancer, is a malignant tumor that arises from the kidney epithelium. It was first described by the German pathologist P. A. Grawitz in 1883. It is found most frequently in males 40-60 years of age.

hyperopia top: normal eye with light focused on the retina bottom:hyperopic eye with light focused behind the retina n. User-contributed notes. There are no user-contributed notes for this entry. Add a note. Add a note to the entry "hypernatreeminen". Write a usage hint or an example and help to improve our dictionary.
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Hypernephroma pronunciation

Learn more. Start studying chapter 7 pathology. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. hypernic meaning in Hindi with examples: हाइपरनिक click for more detailed meaning of hypernic in Hindi with examples, definition, pronunciation and example sentences. 501-893-2737 Not add meaning but variable pronunciation?

Learn the causes, symptoms, and diagnosis of RCC. Hypernephroma word definition is given on the page to provide a fair idea of the word Hypernephroma completely. Apart from synonyms and definitions, similar words of Hypernephroma are .
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It begins in the lining of the renal tubules in the kidney. The renal tubules filter the blood and produce urine. Also called renal cell adenocarcinoma, renal cell cancer, and renal cell carcinoma. Source: NCI Dictionary of Cancer Terms hyperneuroma sound ,hyperneuroma pronunciation, how to pronounce hyperneuroma, click to play the pronunciation audio of hyperneuroma Medical definition of hypernatremia: the presence of an abnormally high concentration of sodium in the blood.

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Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) originates in the lining of the renal tubules. Under this designation are included different subtypes with Signs and symptoms. Symptomatic features of paraneoplastic syndrome cultivate in four ways: endocrine, neurological, mucocutaneous, and hematological.The most common presentation is a fever (release of endogenous pyrogens often related to lymphokines or tissue pyrogens), but the overall picture will often include several clinical cases observed which may specifically simulate more common Medical definition of hypernephroma: a tumor of the kidney resembling the adrenal cortex in its histological structure.