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Trudeau, vars far  Kanadas premiärminister Justin Trudeau har fått kritik för att ha hyllat Fidel Castro. Nu förklarar han sina kommentarer, och säger att den  Bernie Sanders praises Fidel Castro in his 60 Minutes interview, prompting criticism from all sides. But he's Canadian PM Trudeau under fire for pro-Castro remarks - İngilizce ve İsveççe altyazılı video. Kanadas premiärminister Justin Trudeau hyllar efter Fidel Castros död Trudeau, vars far var nära vän med Castro, beskriver honom som en  Så lyder ett av memen på nätet som skapats efter att Kanadas premiärminister Justin Trudeau hyllat Kubas bortgångne exdiktator Fidel Castro. Trudeau tillträdde som partiledare för Kanadas liberala parti 2013. Efter Trudeaus tillträde som partiledare ledde hans parti ett flertal opinionsmätningar över både  Fidél Castro och Justin Trudeau - lika som bär?

Trudeau castro

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Pierre Trudeau (left), Justin Trudeau (centre), and Fidel Castro (right) The suicide note left by Fidel Castro’s eldest son has rocked the Cuban nation this week, with the most astonishing revelation being the claim that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was his half-brother and the son of the late Fidel Castro. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Castro (Trudeau) Complicit In American Election Fraud. Communist China also gave the Canadian Dominion voting machine company a $400 million financial boost through a Swiss bank account, belonging to the Chinese government. Trudeau was born a little more than nine months after the marriage of his parents and more than four years before Margaret made a much-publicized first trip to Cuba and met Fidel Castro. The Castro/Trudeau conspiracy theory, which arose late last year, has been appearing mainly on right-wing and pro-Donald Trump internet forums. It’s become a kind of miniature version of the The death of Fidel Castro, at age 90, will trigger complex memories in many Canadians old enough to remember then-prime minister Pierre Trudeau’s landmark 1976 visit to meet with the Cuban The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on the death of former Cuban President Fidel Castro: “It is with deep sorrow that I learned today of the death of Cuba’s longest serving President.

Pierre Trudeau was cuckolded by Fidel Castro on one of his many trips to Cuba with his wife Margaret, and Justin is one of Castro's many bastards.

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– Han var verkligen en polariserande person och det fanns helt klart betydande oro kring mänskliga rättigheter, det är jag öppen om och det har jag betonat. På frågan om Trudeau anser att Castro var en diktator svarar han ”ja”.

Trudeau castro

Vem åker till begravning av diktatorn Castro? - Samtiden

2020-07-20 2016-11-28 On 26 November 2016, Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau sparked controversy by praising Fidel Castro in a statement about the former Cuban dictator’s death, saying that “While a 2018-02-17 2021-02-05 2016-11-29 2016-11-26 2020-01-01 2021-03-28 Justin Trudeau is Fidel Castro’s Son. Theory: Rumor has it that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is not the son of former PM Pierre Trudeau, but is instead the illegitimate son of Cuban dictator Fidel Castro … Welcome to Conspiracy Theory News.Today's top headline.Justin Trudeau is Fidel Castro’s Son.Secret and unauthorized DNA testing has proven that Canadian Prim Justin Trudeau could be Fidel Castro’s son. Video comparison. Help us grow. Support The Duran on Patreon! Read Later Add to Favourites Add to Collection Report.

Trudeau, vars far var nära vän med Castro, beskriver honom som en The death of Fidel Castro, at age 90, will trigger complex memories in many Canadians old enough to remember then-prime minister Pierre Trudeau’s landmark 1976 visit to meet with the Cuban Justin Trudeau could be Fidel Castro’s son. Video comparison. Help us grow. Support The Duran on Patreon! Read Later Add to Favourites Add to Collection Report. Trudeau was born on December 25, 1971 which is way before his parents ever travelled to Cuba.The reddit user who first brought up this theory seemed to think that the Trudeaus crossed paths with Castro in 1970 meaning that it was entirely possible for Trudeau to be his son. Kanadas premiärminister Justin Trudeau hyllar efter Fidel Castros död kommunistledaren, något som 2016-11-28 · Margaret Trudeau said she visited Castro at his hotel before the funeral to welcome him on behalf of the family.
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Trudeau castro

Trudeau uttryckte sin sorg efter Castros död, utan att nämna den tidigare kubanska ledarens brist på respekt för mänskliga rättigheter. Justin Trudeau could be Fidel Castro’s son. Video comparison.

In the United States, Fidel Castro's death was all but  28 Nov 2016 The Canadian leader, following Fidel Castro's death on Friday night at the age of 90, said in his condolence statement on Saturday that his father,  29 Nov 2016 Prime Minister Justin Trudeau visits Cuba in November 2016 and meets with Fidel Castro's brother, and now president, Raúl Castro.
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Vem är Justin Trudeau? -

Source: National Post His wife, Margaret Trudeau was notorious for cheating on Pierre Trudeau with many men, including multiple members of the Rolling Stones. Macleans writes: 3. 1977: Margaret Trudeau and the Rolling Stones. Trudeaus ord om Castro, som avled i fredags, väckte ilska och hån på nätet efter att han talat om Castro som en "enastående ledare".

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Video comparison Trudeau defends his tribute to Castro Dan Kitwood/Getty Images LONDON, ENGLAND - DECEMBER 07: A visual representation of the digital Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin on December 07, 2017 in London, England.