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As verbs the difference between behove and behoove is that behove is to suit; to befit while behoove is (us) to suit; to befit. It is a little better known in the US, where the behoove spelling is standard. British pundits and politicians feel that the occasional behove adds a statesmanlike and elevated air to their utterances, though they risk sounding old-fashioned and pompous. behove definition: it is right for someone to do something: .

Behove or behoove

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be appropriate or necessary; "IT behooves us to reflect on this matter" (synonym) behove to behove = sich geziemen. Den Engelska att Ordet "to behove" kan ha följande grammatiska funktioner: verb Synonymer: to beseem, to befit, to behoove  WordSense Dictionary: behövs - ✓ meaning, ✓ definition. Origin & history. behov + -a, cognate with English: behoove (US), behove (UK)  1. be worthwhile for; be considered as proper according to moral standards (alternate spelling for behoove). rate, 2.

Broderkiten innehåller allt som behövs för att skapa din egen väggbonad i korsstygn: - It does not behoove me to make myself smaller than I am.

Synonymer till behoove - Engelskt lexikon och ordbok -

fall short of disagree violate diverge unjust. Definitions of behove: Synonyms, Antonyms and Pronunciation photograph.

Behove or behoove

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exact ( 16 ). So despite his increasingly authoritarian ways and penchant for lambasting foreign-currency  10 synonyms for behove: be fitting, benefit, be necessary, be wise, befit, be advisable, be obligatory, be incumbent upon, beseem, behoove. of the Congress or any other party or person as it does not behove the position of the Prime Definitions and Meaning of behove in English. behove. verb. be appropriate or necessary. Synonyms: behoove.

As verbs the difference between behove and behoove is that behove is to suit; to befit while behoove is (us) to suit; to befit.
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Behove or behoove

(bɪˈhuːv) Be appropriate or necessary. Synonyms. behove conform to meet fit. Antonyms. fall short of disagree violate diverge unjust.

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behooved. behooved. behooving.

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vt impers (form) → sich geziemen (geh) → (sb to do sth für jdn, etw zu tun) Definition of behove verb in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. We use cookies to enhance your experience on our website, including to provide targeted advertising and track usage. Noun ()(archaic) Advantage or benefit. * 1919 , (Saki), ‘The Penance’, The Toys of Peace , Penguin 2000 (Complete Short Stories), p.