Bioenergi från jordbruket - en växande resurs: Bilagedel


Livscykelanalys av svenska biodrivmedel Börjesson, Pål - LU

The 2015 LCA of products from the wood-based biorefinery at Borregaard, Sarpsborg. Results for cellulose, ethanols, lignosulfonates, vanillin, sodium hypochlorite, sodium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid. Authors: Ingunn Saur Modahl and Ellen Soldal Project no: 1721 Project title: LCA av Borregaard sine produkt Se hela listan på This LCA study was designed to directly compare the conversion of corn stover into ethanol, isobutanol, and n‐butanol for vehicle use. Therefore, only neat biofuels were evaluated, eliminating any gasoline or denaturant blending. Ethanol currently is produced commercially from starch sources such as corn grain and blended into gasoline.

Lca etanol

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Tel: 08-698 10 00 Fax: 08-20 29 25 E-post: Postadress: Naturvårdsverket, 106 48 Stockholm Internet: Enhancing the data basis for LCA through process simulation: The case of lignocellulosic ethanol production in Sweden Conference poster, 2011 One of the application areas of LCA is to assess the environmental impact of emerging technologies in order to support strategies and policies for technological development. A Life-Cycle Analysis of the Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Corn-Based Ethanol ICF prepared this final project report under USDA Contract No. AG-3142-D- 17-0161 in support of the project: Technical Support Communicating Results of “Retrospective and Current Examination of the Lifecycle GHG Emissions of Corn-Based Ethanol” Report. LCA could systematically account for the energy use and emissions at every stage of a product Key issues in ethanol LCA –Agriculture and conversion technology advancements –Land-use change –Co-product allocation methodology ANL continues monitoring the technology advancement in biofuel industry and implement is to use life cycle assessment (LCA) to evaluate the global warming potential (GWP), water use, and net energy value (NEV) associated with the EISA-mandated 16 bgy cellulosic biofuels target, which is assumed in this study to be met by cellulosic-based ethanol, and the EISA-mandated 15 bgy conventional corn ethanol target.

av P Paulsson · Citerat av 4 — energi som sätts in i systemet fås 2,6 enheter energi ut i form av etanol, när tillverkning utan denna bygger på data från en livscykelanalys av etanol utförd av. Med en ekonomisk utvärdering av etanol som biodrivmedel.

Livscykelanalys Etanol - Mimers Brunn

En fördjupad 3 För bensin E5 räknas en 5% volymsinblanding av etanol i bensinen. Beräkningar av miljöbelastning med livscykelanalysteknik (LCA). Rapsolja, biodiesel, omförestrad rapsolja, etanol, biogas som drivmedel.

Lca etanol

Rapport från Sekabdiskussionen i kommunfullmäktige

något förenklad jämfört med en fullständig livscykelanalys ( LCA , se förklaring ovan ) . in Ontario. Life cycle assessment (LCA) methodologies have been used to evaluate the LC of ethanol to determine if environmentally preferable and economically viable ethanol can be produced in Ontario, Canada. A novel continuous stirred tank bioreactor has also been developed LCA could systematically account for the energy use and emissions at every stage of a product Key issues in ethanol LCA –Agriculture and conversion technology advancements –Land-use change –Co-product allocation methodology ANL continues monitoring the technology advancement in biofuel industry and implement Lignocellulosic biomass rich in fermentable sugars (cellulose and hemicellulose) can be converted into ethanol by either biochemical or thermochemical processes. This potential source of ethanol is abundant, economically viable and do not compete directly with food or feed. A Life-Cycle Analysis of the Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Corn-Based Ethanol.

However, the effect of allocation on outcomes is of crucial importance to LCA as a decision supporting tool. Ethanol has been considered to be based on lignocellulosic material, more specifically on woodchips. E-diesel needs a fuel additive to enable a stable ethanol-diesel blend. The emulsifier used in this LCA is Akzo Nobel’s Beraid® ED10. Advantages and drawbacks of E-diesel implementation as fuel for captive fleets in Sweden have LCA Case Studies Ethanol Fuels. Int J LCA 2005 (OnlineFirst) 5. At the current fuel economy, the E10 fuel application pro-vides better environmental performance than the E85 fuel.
Betala av lan

Lca etanol

baserat på livscykelanalys (LCA). LCA SIMULATION TOOL. Interface 25. 30. 35.

Rapporten  av C Nordhammer · 2019 — Studien avser endast att studera etanol som höginblandning i E85 Detta kritiserades då livscykelanalys baseras på fysiska resursflöden men.
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Granskning av livscykelanalyser för biogas, etanol och RME

In most of these studies, only one type of allocation is applied. However, the effect of allocation on outcomes is of crucial importance to LCA as a decision supporting tool.

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2003; Nguyen and Gheewala 2008a, b;Ometto Livscykelanalys (LCA) är en sammanställning och utvärdering av inflöden och utflöden från ett produktsystem över hela dess livscykel liksom utvärdering av de potentiella miljöeffekterna hos ett produktsystem över hela dess livscykel (ISO 14040:1997).